Tuesday, December 05, 2006
kitchen dining room table at aunt/uncle's place.
This college kid has never really done all nighters. It's my junior year and I've avoided it like the plague but it caught up with me and made me stay up 4 days straight, averaging from 2 to 5 hours of sleep each day. (The 2 days I got 5 hours of sleep was due to oversleeping...bah!) Though it seems like I'm complaining, I'm very much proud of staying up so long! The digital lab has been my second home lately thanks to my lack of confidence in scanning and color correcting therefore it's probably why I'm taking just as long or longer to make prints that are analog. (plus I'm a perfectionist) It's well worth it. My work is only half way completed.. spotting is the worst! (especially if the processing lab fucks the negs up.)
Our junior photo show will be at Spark Contemporary Art Space on Friday from 6-9pm (prolly). We'll be running around like headless chicken right up to the opening. Hey, there will be free food.. as well as my awesome work (along w/ others.. ) (well, that was cocky of me).
New Delhi by Rishi Singhal
One of my "mentors" is leaving Syracuse and heading back to India. Rishi Singhal is the go-to guy for digital questions or anything for that matter; philosophy, art theory, employee gossip (i'm kidding), etc. If our Lord of the Digital Lab isn't present, most head to Rishi for help. He's great and will surely be missed from LightWork. Check out his work on Flickr. It's just a sample of his great portfolio of work. Oh, what will we do without Rishi around? you'll be missed!
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