Tuesday, June 20, 2006
not so much. The ankle just doesn't want to go back to normal and is still swollen a bit. Two weeks seems like 2 months especially since this is suppose to be my summer break. I need some sort of an ego booster. The doc said I seem like an optimistic person because I always have a smile even when I am the only person who've visited him so many times. I don't know how optimistic I am now since the fucking foot is making me feel like I'm stuck in prison. Grateful that my mother tends to my every needs, I need some fresh air.. and ugh
let's just all agree and say that I'm wasting away.
Wandering the internet, stumbled upon your blog. Made me smile and wonder what steps are between you and my (ref. the six degrees of separation).
Loved the pictures i saw and hope you cheer up and be well soon!
Doris, The Netherlands.
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