Thursday, December 15, 2005
back at home. spent 6 hours on amtrak watching jdrama on cynthia's laptop. just when being in syracuse was starting to be fun, i had to come home. i'm glad i have my photo crew.
the city is a great place to be but recently, i've grown sort of distant. through my photo assignments for class, there's always seem to be a sadness or lonely quality to them. home isnt what home use to be. not having the comfort that i'm use to having when i go home is frustrating. the neighborhood is changing dramatically. the block i walk almost everyday to and from the train station is a place for strange guys to stop and take a piss. new apartment buildings are going up another block from my house. it was never a close-knit community but it never seemed so estranged from what i remember a year ago. people on the subway seem just as sad as people on the buses of syracuse. i thought this was home.
People are sad because a strike might happened. and it would be so interesting.
home is starting to suck. but things will turn up good later. don't get your hopes down.
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