Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Well, I haven't updated this photoblog in awhile. Sorry.. dont know to who but sorry, mr. bloggy blog poo. I shall attack the negative and slide scanners this weekend and upload some doozies. I'm a retard for using such dumb,pathetic words but forgive me.. I am in a manic panic to get out of Syracuse.
Transferring is just a fantasy and will most likely not happen.. just in my daily daydreams. I've come to accept the rich bitches who bow to my wisdom to help them with Macs yet give me no thanks in return.. I've come to accept the fact that I'm not the only one who came to Syracuse because they gave us the most financial aid. I've come to accept the fact that I have a problem being social but no problem being sarcastic. Sometimes the two don't mix and well, ladies and gents, that is a problem. I've come to accept that fact that job hunting is a bitch especially finding a job just for the money and not the experience. Clerical work? come on.. I just wish my job at Light Work included more hours and days. I'd rather be there than in my room, bored as hell, and procrastinating up a storm.
That's my favorite photo I have with my sweet Grandma. oh nostalgia, how I love thee!
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